
AI Powered Automation at Your Fingertips

Say goodbye to painstaking manual discovery preparations.

Our AI accurately scans and extracts an opposing counsel's discovery requests and creates a response shell in seconds.

Legal Document Automation
Legal Objection Software
Legal Client Communications
Legal eSign & Verification
Legal Discovery Workflow
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Powerful technology that delivers big impact.

Explore how EsquireTek can drive efficiency and profitability for you.

Trial Lawyers

Seamlessly blend your legal expertise with the innovation of AI. Boost your operations, increase productivity and save invaluable time. In the courtroom, every advantage counts.

Litigation Firms

Leading firms demand leading tools. Stay steps ahead with ground-breaking technology that increases efficiency, reducing discovery tasks down to minutes.

Corporate Legal Teams

Unlock unparalleled efficiency with our AI-driven platform. From cost control to streamlined operations, elevate your in-house capabilities with technology that understands your corporate dynamics.


Don't take our word for it, listen to our clients

Listen to real customers talk about the the transformative impact EsquireTek has had on their efficiency and bottom line.

Robert Simon - Co-Founder | Simon Law Group

Bob’s firm has saved countless hours with EsquireTek. As an early adopter, he recognized the importance of embracing technology to guarantee his firm remains ahead and keeping his competitive edge.

Hillary Beck - Litigation Paralegal

Initially hesitant, Hillary now raves about EsquireTek's simplicity and intuitive technology that has significantly transformed her job, admitting she can’t imagine working without it.

Ed Diab - Attorney & Founding Partner

As a mass tort practice that sees up to thousands of clients at any given time, Ed has experienced transformative efficiency with EsquireTek. Time consuming discovery tasks now seamlessly automate within minutes.

Matt Clendenin - Trial Attorney & Managing Partner

Recognizing client frustration with conventional communication methods, Matt turned to EsquireTek. Paralegals not only save hours of time, but also transformed client interaction and satisfaction.

Tabitha Reyes - Senior Paralegal & Case Manager

By offloading the tedious aspects of discovery, Tabitha's team was able to redirect resources to focus on growth, embrace paperless operations, and significantly increase efficiency, making the manual approach a thing of the past.

Ready to Save Time?

Schedule Your
Free Demo

Find out how AI-powered automation can transform the way you complete discovery and help you close cases faster.


Up to 70% faster client response times.


Scalable plans for law firms of all sizes.


HIPAA certified and developed with CIS benchmarks to ensure ironclad security.